We're Here For Dentists

When you want to fast-track the process of achieving your goals, the direct approach can sometimes be the best approach. Or maybe you simply want to have a freeform conversation with someone who has been where you are. Whether it's one-on-one problem-focused discussion, coaching, or letting your team make the most of a hands-on workshop, we build options to fit your needs. For us, consulting starts by asking, "How can we help you?"


Looking to expand capacity, boost production, decide on a compensation or incentive structure, or transition into a higher-performing hygiene paradigm that fits your practice culture, patients and team? Maybe you want a quick hands-on session to master the finer points of the Phantom Column method. Let us know what you need.


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Office Management

When you're trying to grow and something has to give, sometimes that means talking turkey and digging into the numbers to find out the next steps.

If you're at your first plateau, we can help you make sense of the numbers and develop a game plan and best practices to make sure you're measuring what you need to, and getting it organized in an easy to understand way so you can watch the needle move as you grow.

If you're later in the game, or a seasoned practice with a specific issue, chances are we've been there. Insurance negotiations, learning to work with suppliers and other vendors, changes to your patient base... before you feel like you're stuck with an unpleasant "new normal," see if there's not something we can do for you first. 


Doctor Productivity

The dentists who consult for GP are passionate about patient care, and just as passionate in their conviction that practical, needs-focused treatment planning is three things at once:
the best route to optimal patient care outcomes,
the most predictable method for production,
and grossly misunderstood and applied in the majority of practices.

Learning how to be outrageously productive while doing what patients want is a challenge and an art, and we love to share our passion and mastery. 



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